Woman and Girl Child abuse is, and has been a major home violence in Africa. Abuse/Rape on young girls by family members and trusted friends is common nowadays in Africa. The truth remains that the Government can only do little about it and it's left for individuals to create awareness for young girls and women educating them about abuse.

JuicyJist brings you an exclusive interview with Ms. Faith Akano an activist for young girls and women, as she shares her experience of coming out of a gang rape victim to becoming a voice for other.


1—Introduce your self Ma?
Name, Nationality, state,Educational background, Religion,and marital status

Ans: I'm Faith Akano
I'm a Nigerian from Olupona, Osun state
I have. Bachelor degree in Agricultural Economics and
I'm a Certified Digital Marketing Expert
I'm a Christian
I'm single.

2— What brought about the birth of your Foundation"The Healed Woman Foundation"?

Ans: The Healed Woman Foundation was birthed from a strong passion to help girls suffering from sexual abuse and it's effects. Being a survivor myself, it's impossible to overlook the reality of how rampant the menace of sexual abuse has become in Nigeria, especially of minors.

3—What is the role of "THE HEALED WOMAN FOUNDATION" on the issue of Abuse on the girl child?

Ans: The Healed Woman girls of elementary and secondary school ages on sexual abuse including how to protect themselves and what to do of they ever fall victim. Most importantly our ultimate goal is to help survivor girls heal physically, emotionally, and mentally.

4— How did you come out of the drama of your experience, and how do you think others can cone out of it and be an inspiration to others?

Ans: it's a process one phase after another. I was dedicated to being a better person regardless of my past abuse experiences. I think others can come out of it by being deliberate about their journey. Sexual abuse has it's tons of effects but healing is real when we are deliberate and patient with ourselves. It's a process, it may take time and circles but with determination and doing the work, we all can heal well enough to inspire ourselves and others.

5—What programmes do you hold to encourage young girls out there?

Ans: Rescue The Girl Child Tour is our maiden project. We go on Tour to primary and secondary schools in Nigeria educating girls on sexual abuse and counselling victims. We have recently gotten a volunteer medical team to partner with us so come 2020 , we will be living our dream of helping to sort out the physical healing of sexually abused girls.

6— On your outreach to schools and communities the victims you've met, how many of them have told anyone about the incident before meeting with you because that's one of the major challenge they have, speaking out?

Ans: You're right about that. Hardly do we find victims who have ever told their parents, guardians, or teachers about their experiences. As a matter of fact, that's what informed our need to have a medical team.

7— On your forth coming program holding on the 21st December 2019, what's the motivation behind the event (Christmas cloth give away)?

Ans : Oh, that's a different project. It's not a project of The Healed Woman Foundation. It's one of the activities of Woman in Healing Community (WIH) a community of women working together to heal from negative past experiences. I also head this community, we believe that helping to meet a need and showing love helps to boost a person's sense of self - worth. So basically the "shop 4 free" outreach is an activity that aims to clothe those in need of clothing, and also help us (WIH) on our healing journies through volunteering.

8— How do you support those that have been  victimized?

Ans : We offer counselling services , legal aid, and medical check ups for free.

9— what's your source of funds and support so far?

Ans :  So far how funding source has been our volunteers?

10— What's your advice to woman /girls who are  victims of tape/sexual abuse?

Ans : Regardless of what you think you could have done differently to prevent the assault, sexual abuse is never your fault. it's also not a sentence to a miserable life; healing is real and attainable if you are deliberate about it and go for the needed professional help you need.

Woman In Healing Community @facebook
The Healed Woman Foundation @ facebook
