Armed forces day: The Pigeons refusing to fly is a "Natural Phenomenon"— Femi Adeshina defends president Buhari

The Special Adviser to president Buhari on Media and Publicity, Femi Adeshina has defended the president after a video of pigeons refusing to fly on Armed Forces day went viral. 

In an article titled 'Reflection from a Wreath- Laying Ceremony'. Femi said the pigeons refusing to fly is a 'Natural Phenomenon. 

Statement reads in part:

 “Now, something for those who twist my every word, turn it upside down, to generate hatred. Something for them to wail about. The release of the pigeons.

At every Armed Forces Remembrance Day, after the laying of the wreaths, the sitting President releases some pigeons, to symbolise peace in the land. Emblems of National harmony. It was not different last Friday.

The pigeons had been kept in a cage. For how long, I do not know. And when birds and some other roaming animals have been circumscribed for a while, they get accustomed to their new status as lawful captives. Therefore, when you offer them freedom, they first baulk, thinking it’s too good to be true. It’s a natural phenomenon.

President Buhari opened the cage that held the pigeons, about a score or so. One hesitated, then flew, followed by another. The others temporised a bit. And then, two, three minutes later, they all took to the sky. Nothing extraordinary in the development, you would think.”
